Raw Logs Format
By enabling the Raw Logs service option, you can download log files in the NCSA Common Log Format (CLF) via CacheFly FTP.
CLF is a standardized text file format that web servers use to generate server log files. Each line in a file stored in CLF has the following syntax:
host ident authuser date request status bytes
For example: user-identifier brian [26/Mar/2024:11:23:58 -0800] "GET /cachefly_example.gif HTTPS/2" 200 1321
Logs are compressed with gzip duration rotation. You may download both complete and incomplete logs.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens, and where to find this function for a given CacheFly service.

Enabling Raw Logs
To enable Raw Logs for a specific service or services in general, first navigate to the OPTIONS for that service (Configuration > Services > [SERVICE NAME] > OPTIONS in the left-hand menu).
Click on OPTIONS to expand the menu, then click on Raw Logs, or scroll down until you reach the Raw Logs section.
If the button/toggle to the right of the mention Raw Logs displays Disabled, then you can enable it as follows:
Click on the button/toggle labeled Disabled
A popup window is displayed asking you to confirm your choice
When you click on the red button Yes, the button/toggle will display Enabled and will also turn from gray to blue.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens.

Log Rotation Schedules
You can choose between daily and hourly rotation schedules:
Daily is often enough, given the volumes of traffic of many services.
The hourly rotation schedule is available if daily logs become very large.
To select daily or hourly, click the corresponding button Daily or Hourly under the mention Rotation schedule:.
Then click the blue button Apply Changes to persist your changes. A confirmatory message will appear briefly at the top right of the screen.

Log Access Modes
You can enable one or both of two different log access modes:
Service access mode provides you with a set of FTP credentials which are specific to the service you are currently configuring.
Account access mode makes the logs for this service available under a set of FTP credentials which apply to your whole account (not just a specific service.)
Click on the corresponding button under the mention Access mode: to select the access mode or modes of your choice:
Service+Account (for both modes enabled at the same time.)
Then click the blue button Apply Changes to persist your changes. A confirmatory message will appear briefly at the top right of the screen.

Viewing FTP Credentials
To view the FTP credentials for service and/or account access mode for downloading CacheFly raw logs, click the down arrow ▼ next to the mention FTP CREDENTIALS (SERVICE) and/or FTP CREDENTIALS (ACCOUNT). In each case, you will see:
FTP Server name: ftp.cachefly.com
FTP Username: either the name of the service (for service access mode) or the account username (for account access mode)
FTP Password: Click the link Reveal to the right of FTP Password to display the password in clear text. The link then changes to Hide, which you can click to display only asterisks again instead of clear text.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens.

Disabling Raw Logs
To disable Raw Logs, click on the button/toggle now labeled Enabled, and click on the red button Yes in the confirmatory popup window, to toggle the button back to Disabled and which will also turn it from blue back to gray.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens.