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Contacting Support

You can contact CacheFly support for answers to questions and for assistance in making the most of your CacheFly services.

Where to Find Support

To contact CacheFly support:

  • Log in to the CacheFly portal

  • Navigate to the Support top-level menu (at the top right of the screen)

  • Click the Open a Ticket menu item.

A popup window appears for you to enter your support request.

Using the Support Popup Window

To define your support request in the CacheFly support popup window:

  • The window is prepopulated with your name and email address: edit these if necessary

  • Create a short Subject entry for quick, easy reference to your support request

  • Provide relevant detail in the Message field below

  • Click the Send button to send your request.

A confirmatory message is displayed (Message sent with success). A copy of your support request is also sent to the email address in the pop-up window.

Other Options for Contacting Support

CacheFly support contact information is also available from the CacheFly website without logging in to the CacheFly Portal.