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Using Log Shipping

Log Shipping lets you send log data from CacheFly services to external storage targets (cloud storage buckets) that CacheFly calls Log Targets. You can thus store your logs indefinitely at an external Log Target, for example while you create or deploy tools to parse the log data for your requirements.

Types of Logs and Folders for Shipping

There are two types of logs shipped by CacheFly for your CacheFly services:

  • Access Logs Shipping

    • CDN <> End-Users

    • Shows requests from end-users to the CDN

  • Origin Logs Shipping

    • CDN <> Origin

    • Shows requests from the CDN to origin (reverse proxy).

When you use Log Shipping, a "cachefly" folder is created to store the logs as standard gzip (GZ) files. Within this folder, for a service for which you enable Log Shipping, a folder will be created for the access and/or for the origin logs. The access/origin log folders will have the following naming convention:

  • {service_uid}_access

  • {service_uid}_origin

Adding a Target for Log Shipping

There are two ways to add a Log Target (an external storage target for storing log files):

  1. Via the main menu by navigating to Configuration > Log Targets

  2. Via a specific CacheFly service by navigating to Configuration > Services > [SERVICE NAME] > LOG SHIPPING in the left-hand menu.

While there are similarities between these two ways, there are also some differences in the initial steps and the actions for enabling Logs Shipping and editing the configuration of Log Targets after they have been added.

Click on the buttons below to see how the two approaches compare.